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Robinson Family Ministries Women
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Weekly Message
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This message will update weekly for encouragment, and Edification. Ephesians 4:29 "Let no corrupt word proceed out of
your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."
Deborah Robinson |
Let's talk about family!
So the Bible says that no greater love has a man than he that would lay down his life for
his friends. So if we are Christians, our lives shouldn't be all about ourselves, we should lay down our lives for our friends
and family right? So why then do we stick our parents and other loved ones in homes? If the loved one isn't a total invalid,
why can't we take care of them ourselves? Would it be too much of an inconvenience? How much of an inconvenience was it taking
care of you for 18 years? Don't you think you owe it to them? These are the people who gave you life, a roof over your head,
fed you, clothed you, so why do we stick them in a home and forget about them? I am currently taking care of my dad as he
is 82 and in need of care. It is very inconvenient and very much trouble, but the world does not revolve around me! Sometimes
we have to let go of what WE want, and do what's best for the people around us. It's just like Jesus in the garden, He said,
"If it be possible, take this cup from me Father, but not MY will, YOUR will be done." It isn't about us, if Jesus would have
been like us and thought of Himself, none of us would go to Heaven, because He wouldn't have died for us, and if we die to
the old person when we accept Christ, then we have to die to the old ways of being selfish. Hopefully none of you will ever
have to do things that take you too far out of your comfort zone, but that's what being a Christian is all about most of the
time. Paul had to go way outside his comfort zone, being beaten and stoned and put in prison for the very name he sought to
destroy before his encounter on the road to Damascus! Do what's right, not what's easier!
Deborah Robinson
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